Above is the granddaughter of the very first RMA buyer. She just can't get enough of it.

Above is the granddaughter of the very first RMA buyer. She just can't get enough of it.
Above is the granddaughter of the first RMA buyer. She just can't get enough of it!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

On Second Thought...

Remember what they say about "the best laid plans of mice and men..."?
Well, they don't lie.

My ebook conversion was a disaster. It seems my book design - which uses visual and graphic info as well as words - was way too advanced for the current state of the ebook art. So, back to the drawing and publishing board. I've decided to publish the mini-book version first. It will be available next week on my 66th birthday, October 8th. If you'd like to be the first kid on your block to get one, send $10 to: Lowell Thompson, P.O. Box 408343, Chicago, IL 60640-8343.

Be sure to include your mailing address, OK?

I know this is kinda horse and buggy in the age of Bitcoins and electronic wallets, but it's the best I can do until I find an ebook conversion source that can handle graphics.